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Your Amazon review is really, really important to me as an “Indie” author. Even if you “never” leave reviews. Even if you leave your review in another language than English. Reviews are a major contribution to getting any book seen and read.

Why so important? Reviews go a long way to establishing credibility for a book. We all scan reviews to make buying decisions, very true for books as well.

Also, About Time is a niche book, intended to appeal to a special audience, folks interested in spirituality, reincarnation, energy, and such. For the book to show up on searches and personal feeds, your review can really make a difference.

Your review doesn’t have to be fancy or detailed unless you want to do so. A simple “Loved it” or “So interesting” or “Incredibly enlightening by a magnificently brilliant writer and all-around nice guy” will also suffice! (;

Above and beyond… social media. If you are willing to post something about the book on social media too please consider recommending it on your feed. If you found it interesting then it’s likely that your friends might too… and they might only find it only because of you. You are an influencer with the people who are in your online communities!

In my next post I will describe how to leave a review on Amazon, even if you bought the book elsewhere.