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Publications and Articles by James Kepner


(1993) Body Process: Working with the Body in Psychotherapy. Originially (1987) Gardner Press and Jossey-Bass Publishers Inc.: San Francisco, CA. Currently published by the Gestalt Press.
(1995) Healing Tasks: psychotherapy with adult survivors of childhood abuse. Originally Jossey Bass Publishers Inc.: San Francisco. Currently published by the Gestalt Press.


(2001) “Gestalt approaches to body oriented therapy”. GestaltReview 4(4), 262-266.
(2001) “Touch in Gestalt Body Process Psychotherapy: purpose, practice and ethics.” Gestalt Review, 5(2), 97-114.

(2003) “The embodied field”. British Gestalt Journal, 12(1), 6-14.
(2004) “The vagus nerve in body psychotherapy with early developmental dilemmas: intervention via hands-on energetic work.” Privately published by author. Learn More
(2008) “Commentary II: On gender differences In Gestalt Therapy.” Gestalt Review, 12(2): 124-129
(2008) “Towards a more deeply embodied approach in Gestalt therapy.” Studies In Gestalt Therapy, 2(2), 43-56.
(2008) “Nervous System Energy Work in Gestalt Body Process Psychotherapy” Learn More
And a translation into Spanish, Trabajo de la Energía del Sistema Nervioso (NSEW) en la Terapia Gestalt y Proceso Corporal (GBPP) Link

Articles about my work by others:

Hull, Jennifer (1997) “Listening to the body,” Common Boundary, May/June, 24-32. Learn More
Hemming, Judith (1996) “The tasks of healing: a review of Healing Tasks by James Kepner.” British Gestalt Journal, 5(1), 59-63.
Jamison, Carolyn (2009) “Exploring embodied experience: reflections on a workshop with Jim Kepner.” Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, 6(1), 54-57.
Robertson, Ritchie (2009) “In dialogue with Jim Kepner.” Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, 6(1), 5-20.

“The relational nervous system in Gestalt Body Process Psychotherapy – AAGT/EAGT Taormina Conference”